Thursday, July 16, 2009

im so pissed off

im so pissed off when i said something but nobody seems to be understand
im so pissed off when people asking stupid questions which you don't feel like answering
im so pissed off when i need a listener but they just keep talking to me
im so pissed off when i said something but they just keep forgetting i did told them
im so pissed off when i said something where people not concentrating and i need to repeat again and again
im so pissed off when im giving suggestions but nobody would agree
im so pissed off when i said my point of view but they keep denied it
im so pissed off when i share my experience but they said im too young to share anything
im so pissed off about people who are few years older than me thought that they are mature enough to teach you everything and i must listen
im so pissed off when people judge me but without acknowledging they have the same habit
im so pissed off when im giving advice but they tend to ignore what i said
im so pissed off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im so tired to talk
seems like nobody could understand what im trying to say
seems so pointless why shoud i talk??
when i don't talk they keep asking stupid questions again
arhh.........i should have hide myself in the room for 24-7
i should have stop using msn
i should have stop using a handphone
so that nobody get to disturb me anymore
isn't it people who use to understand me had gone??
or there aren't anyone who use to understand me ever
is just they tend to be understand??
im not a patient
you aren't a psychologist
stop telling me what to do
stop telling you are always right
im so sick of communicate with people nowadays
im so sick of keep answering the same question
im so sick of keep telling the same thing again and again
if you though you know me well
you should have stop asking all this stupid question
give me some rest please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my job seriously need plenty of rest....
gosh...teach me what to me!!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear, i'm so pissed off when u didn't tell me what's wrong with u...i'm so pissed off when u didn't let me know something's wrong!!! rmber when i broke up with Jason & u scolded me for not telling u anything??? thts how i feel too!!! u know both of us are always leaning on each other rite??? be tought to face ppl who piss us off k?! let them be! they'll never understand ppl around them!!! they thought they're damn mature tht they can judge other ppl~be strong k? i'm always here with lots of love!!!
