Thursday, April 28, 2011

things to do at night

it seems like i have a new habit
has been skyping Jun every now and then
bestties which i get to see very often in collage
apart because of my job
apart because of her study in UK
but we are like so use of calling each other 
almost every night when im around in SG
a person who keep me company all night
when im having jet lag
we might have on the video call
without saying any single words
but we kept each other company
it might because of the similarity
when we are alone away from home
but there is always someone there
watching you, listening and keep you company
how great transforming a cool and boring night
to be a warm sharing night
specially after a fun day out
and back in the cozy room where you are alone
how great my life can be
how great a network is
which help us keep in touch
but of coz my job did a little enhancement
when i travel around
which help us to meet up
friends that i really love them all
friends that i appreciate for life

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